Kamiare Investments

Where Technology meet Business and unleash well being

how we work

We have proven track record creating and running business companies that grows and make a profit.

We don't care about companies valuation and we don't like artificially inflate companies, we only pat attention to entrepreneurs who want to grow theirs business not to sell it. We want to grow with them

When we decide to accept a company to work with them it's always very long term. We didn't care about sell our stake neither.

We provide to our companies and entrepreneurs portfolio advice, consulting, services and put many hours in planning and also some execution in key task if they need id and, off course, also we put money in order to help them grow faster.

if you ware taking too much care in pitching, trying to make that your company looks great, trying to receive a great valuation in the next round, talking with investors and financing people. Sorry you're not for us. We only like companies and entrepreneurs that works in what they have to work: their business.